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晋城Top outlet graphite crucible

  • Taxonomy:晋城Metallurgical and chemical applications

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  • Date of release:2019/07/12
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The graphite crucible prepared by judeng with selected raw materials and added antioxidant ingredients has the following characteristics: 1. Thermal stability: according to the use conditions of the graphite crucible, it is specially designed to ensure the reliability of product quality.2. Erosion resistance: the uniform and fine matrix design delays the erosion degree of crucible.3. Impact resistance: the graphite crucible can withstand extremely high thermal shock strength, so any process can be safely carried out.4. Acid resistance: the addition of special materials can significantly improve the quality of crucible, show excellent performance in acid resistance index, and greatly extend the service life of graphite crucible.5. High thermal conductivity: high content of fixed carbon ensures good thermal conductivity, reduces dissolution time, and significantly reduces oil consumption or other energy consumption.6. Control of metal pollution: strict control of material composition ensures that the graphite crucible does not pollute the metal when dissolved.7. Quality stability: the manufacturing technology and quality assurance system of high pressure forming can more fully guarantee the quality stability.Welcome to process with drawings and samples, and please inform us of the working conditions of the products you need, we will choose the right materials for you, and provide satisfactory products and services.

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